Running Lands End to John O’Groats (virtually...) for Leo’s!

Andrew Villis

Andrew Villis

My Story

For information on Leo's please visit their website:


Leo's is a fantastic charity which works hard to support and care for families whose babies are born early or are sick at birth. It works primarily in the North East of England, and whilst it is a relatively young charity, it has already made incredible connections with neonatal charities across the UK. 

As a children's doctor, I've spent a number of years working in Neonatal Intensive Care Units in the North East of England and I've seen how challenging life can be for families who have a poorly baby in hospital, potentially for many months, and who have an ongoing need for support in the time after discharge.

Leo's endeavours to provide care and compassion to these families, alongside the care and services provided by our wonderful NHS. The team help to give families both practical support, and support for their psychological wellbeing. And this support is also provided for staff members working in these rewarding, yet stressful environments. 

As we have seen in these most unprecedented of times, our health service, and the charities that support and compliment it, are facing incredible challenges, to continue providing help and care to patients. Leo's is no exception, and in order to help it continue the amazing work it does, I wanted to try and do my bit, within the restrictions and guidance that we are all currently living.

So I thought what better way than to set myself a challenge, and help raise some money for Leo's at the same time, by running a Virtual route from Lands End to John O'Groats - 1084 miles, all in the name of Leo's!! I've signed up to The Conqueror challenge which lets me (and you!) track where I'm up to in the country, and helps me record the journey as I go! This will also include two Half Marathons in Sept and October, provided we're all living a bit more freely by then!

Thank you all in advance for your kind donations!



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

For information on Leo's please visit their website:


Leo's is a fantastic charity which works hard to support and care for families whose babies are born early or are sick at birth. It works primarily in the North East of England, and whilst it is a relatively young charity, it has already made incredible connections with neonatal charities across the UK. 

As a children's doctor, I've spent a number of years working in Neonatal Intensive Care Units in the North East of England and I've seen how challenging life can be for families who have a poorly baby in hospital, potentially for many months, and who have an ongoing need for support in the time after discharge.

Leo's endeavours to provide care and compassion to these families, alongside the care and services provided by our wonderful NHS. The team help to give families both practical support, and support for their psychological wellbeing. And this support is also provided for staff members working in these rewarding, yet stressful environments. 

As we have seen in these most unprecedented of times, our health service, and the charities that support and compliment it, are facing incredible challenges, to continue providing help and care to patients. Leo's is no exception, and in order to help it continue the amazing work it does, I wanted to try and do my bit, within the restrictions and guidance that we are all currently living.

So I thought what better way than to set myself a challenge, and help raise some money for Leo's at the same time, by running a Virtual route from Lands End to John O'Groats - 1084 miles, all in the name of Leo's!! I've signed up to The Conqueror challenge which lets me (and you!) track where I'm up to in the country, and helps me record the journey as I go! This will also include two Half Marathons in Sept and October, provided we're all living a bit more freely by then!

Thank you all in advance for your kind donations!